Caring for animals is very expensive. Some of our animals don't stay long at the sanctuary but some will need lifelong care and treatment..
We now offer you the opportunity to virtually "adopt" one of the many animals in our care! This will help us pay for food and medical care during their rehabilitation or during their stay.
You can virtually adopt one of our monkeys, a pangolin box, our parrot aviary, our bird of prey enclosures or our resident Forest Buffalo!
If you have any interest in virtually adopting one of our animals, please contact us by clicking the button below the animal of your choice.
Each adoption comes with a certificate and a picture of the animal you chose to adopt!
(all adoption fees are in US $)
These monthly adoption fees will be used to buy food and medication for the monkey you chose to adopt.
These monthly fees will be used to buy food and medication for our Timneh parrots
Every pangolin that comes in, has its own box to sleep in. If you want to help with pangolin conservation in Liberia, you can sponsor a pangolinbox. These monthly adoption fees will pay medical care for rescued pangolins and help with the salaries of the "Pangolin Walkers".
These monthly fees will help us pay for food and treatment for the birds of prey in our care.
How does it work?
Very simple:
The Sooty Boss!
Mickey was the first Sooty to enter the sanctuary. He was kept as a pet for 2 years and was being used as a toy to the local children. He was kept on a short rope that left scars on his hips.
But he has climbed all the way to the top of the hierarchy and is now the leader of our Sooty troop!
Second in command!
Juice came in as a little boy, around 1 year old. He was found tied to a logging truck. We freed him from his chain and put him in one of our enclosures. As soon as he realised he was no longer attached to anything, he was overwhelmed with joy and immediately started jumping around! After one day, he was being groomed
Second in command!
Juice came in as a little boy, around 1 year old. He was found tied to a logging truck. We freed him from his chain and put him in one of our enclosures. As soon as he realised he was no longer attached to anything, he was overwhelmed with joy and immediately started jumping around! After one day, he was being groomed by Mickey and till this day, their bond is very strong. He's always around Mickey and has a high position in the hierarchy of the troop.
Suniga, around 6 years of age, has had an emotional and traumatic past just like many others. Tied to a mango tree his entire life surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the village, he was constantly given liquor and cigarettes as amusement by the locals. With the whole community enraged that he was going to be confiscated people tried
Suniga, around 6 years of age, has had an emotional and traumatic past just like many others. Tied to a mango tree his entire life surrounded by the hustle and bustle of the village, he was constantly given liquor and cigarettes as amusement by the locals. With the whole community enraged that he was going to be confiscated people tried to tease the monkey into biting authorities, some even tried to run away with him. The constant rocking motion and presenting his canines were clear evidence of stress. Now at the sanctuary, since 08/04/2018 Suniga now lives in the Sooty troop. Due to his anxiety he has established himself as the low ranking male, and is carefully monitored for relapses. He enjoys the fresh foods and grooming attention.
Yapul (approximately 2/3yrs of age) was confiscated in Duport Road in the Paynesville area on the 05/04/2018 after a tip off from a colleague. He was chained up by the waist on a 90cm leash around the back of the house in storage area for large boulders, scattered with litter. Pacing back and forth was a clear indicator of stress and con
Yapul (approximately 2/3yrs of age) was confiscated in Duport Road in the Paynesville area on the 05/04/2018 after a tip off from a colleague. He was chained up by the waist on a 90cm leash around the back of the house in storage area for large boulders, scattered with litter. Pacing back and forth was a clear indicator of stress and confinement. The owner was reluctant to give him up and even asked if he could kill and eat his pet monkey instead! After 45 minutes of educating the man about the law on keeping illegal wildlife as pets in Liberia he reluctantly allowed us to take him. The day he was introduced to Togar, most likely his first encounter since being stripped away from his dead mothers’ body, he immediately began to play in excitement. Yapul now has a mid-ranking status and is renowned for enticing play, the whole day everyday with the other males in the sooty troop!
Jack is a special case: he is around 9 years of age but is not part of our large Sooty troop. Because he was kept as a pet for too long, he doesn't have the necessary social skills to be part of the group. He can be very agressive and often sends mixed messages, resulting in conflict with the other monkeys. Because we believe monkeys shou
Jack is a special case: he is around 9 years of age but is not part of our large Sooty troop. Because he was kept as a pet for too long, he doesn't have the necessary social skills to be part of the group. He can be very agressive and often sends mixed messages, resulting in conflict with the other monkeys. Because we believe monkeys should not live a life in solitary, we continue to find a friend for him. He loves getting groomed by us and loves destroying any enrichment we make for him!
Nai, not much older than one year old, was confiscated from a hunter in Sapo National Park, Liberia’s first protected forest. She arrived being held by another sooty mangabey called Ninjay, a two year old male. Most remarkably, as an infant herself, she too was carrying a baby green monkey on her chest. Evidently she could see the dispari
Nai, not much older than one year old, was confiscated from a hunter in Sapo National Park, Liberia’s first protected forest. She arrived being held by another sooty mangabey called Ninjay, a two year old male. Most remarkably, as an infant herself, she too was carrying a baby green monkey on her chest. Evidently she could see the disparity and nurture the baby desired. She was adopted by the dominant female of the sooty group and has shown to be a wonderful individual.
Sweep was found in terrible conditions: tied to a table on a very short rope that was embedded in his skin. He had lost a lot of hair due to malnutrition and looked completely depressed. As soon as he arrived at the sanctuary, he was fed a great variety of fruits and vegetables and his new diet did him well! His hair grew back and he is now a happy and healthy monkey, who plays all day long.!
Caroline came in at a very young age, along with another Sooty female. She settles in very quickly and is now the "leading lady" of the group. She has strong maternal instincts and will take care of any new baby in the group.
Gpangbah a sub-adult male was an unexpected individual after receiving a call to confiscate a chimpanzee on the 18/07/2018. Arriving at an old car repair garage, the smell of the fumes and the contaminated floor of oil and fuel is not the safest environment for a primate. Later that day, he arrived to the sanctuary and immediately became
Gpangbah a sub-adult male was an unexpected individual after receiving a call to confiscate a chimpanzee on the 18/07/2018. Arriving at an old car repair garage, the smell of the fumes and the contaminated floor of oil and fuel is not the safest environment for a primate. Later that day, he arrived to the sanctuary and immediately became alpha due to his larger size, however because of his soft nature he was pushed down the hierarchy a few weeks later. He is a very playful and active character who tries his best to avoid conflict.
Kiki was the first Green Monkey to enter the sanctuary. She was kept as a pet in a 3m by 1.5m cage for 6 years, along with 2 duikers and a chimpanzee on the same compound. Because she was the only Green Monkey at the time, but desperately needed company, we decided to introduce her to our resident Campbell's monkeys. She quickly bonded wi
Kiki was the first Green Monkey to enter the sanctuary. She was kept as a pet in a 3m by 1.5m cage for 6 years, along with 2 duikers and a chimpanzee on the same compound. Because she was the only Green Monkey at the time, but desperately needed company, we decided to introduce her to our resident Campbell's monkeys. She quickly bonded with Killian and was finally able to enjoy long grooming sessions! Now she is the top female, taking care of youngsters in the group.
Tinker, a mischievous youngster that gets along with everyone and anyone. Rescued on the 10/12/2018 from a resort illegally keeping a collection of protected species. Luckily she was one of the 22 others rescued in Libassa Wildlife Sanctuary's largest confiscation mission to date. She was kept in a cage with two large monitor lizards an
Tinker, a mischievous youngster that gets along with everyone and anyone. Rescued on the 10/12/2018 from a resort illegally keeping a collection of protected species. Luckily she was one of the 22 others rescued in Libassa Wildlife Sanctuary's largest confiscation mission to date. She was kept in a cage with two large monitor lizards and was full of fear. She now has top authority within her new troop as dominant female Kiki, a green monkey, has adopted her as her own. This is not too unusual as Campbells monkey (Tinker’s species) do co-exist with other species in the wild.
Mitch is the first Diana Monkey to have entered the sanctuary, and probably the first to be in a sanctuary in West-Africa to be rehabilitated!
He was found by one of our staff on her day off. She saw him chained to a food storage and immediately contacted us so we could inform local authorities. He was immediately confiscated and brought t
Mitch is the first Diana Monkey to have entered the sanctuary, and probably the first to be in a sanctuary in West-Africa to be rehabilitated!
He was found by one of our staff on her day off. She saw him chained to a food storage and immediately contacted us so we could inform local authorities. He was immediately confiscated and brought to the sanctuary. He is now called Mitch in honor of her son! He is a fun and happy spirit and has already made friends with other monkeys!
Diana Monkeys are listed as Endangered by IUCN.
Diego is a baby Green monkey of a few months old. He arrived at the sanctuary being held by Sooty Mangabey Nai, who was in turn held by Sooty Ninjay. All three were confiscated from a hunter in Sapo National Park.
Diego is full of life, and found a best friend in Spot-nosed monkeys Livingstone and Ceasar.
Little Peter is a baby Campbell's monkey. He didn't have the best start in life as his mother was killed and he was kept on a rope to be sold as a pet. Little Peter looks like he had his fingers stuck in the plug, but this makes him extra cute! He still drinks milk and has found a friend in Spot-Nosed Monkey Mercy.
Mercy is a juvenile Spot-Nosed Monkey and is best friend with Little Peter. They came in together, both being tied to a rope. Mercy, named after one of our caregivers, was weak when she arrived but has already caught up on energy levels and is now a real supermodel! ;)
At the moment, the sanctuary is home to 14 endangered Timneh Parrots. They are a subspecies of the African Grey parrot. All of them are victims of the illegal pet trade. They all came in very sick, skinny and mutilated. 2 parrots can no longer fly because their wings have been clipped too far into the wing itself, so the flight feathers c
At the moment, the sanctuary is home to 14 endangered Timneh Parrots. They are a subspecies of the African Grey parrot. All of them are victims of the illegal pet trade. They all came in very sick, skinny and mutilated. 2 parrots can no longer fly because their wings have been clipped too far into the wing itself, so the flight feathers can no longer grow back.
We try our very best to get them back into the forest where they belong!
Now you can get the opportunity to sponsor the parrot aviary. Your support will help us pay for the food and medication they need.
Many birds of prey enter the sanctuary. Luckily, most of them get released! But until that day comes, they need a lot of food and some birds need treatment. By sponsoring one of our bird of prey enclosures, we can give them the rehabilitation they deserve!
Libassa Wildlife Sanctuary
Marshall Highway, Kpans Town, Margibi County, Liberia